Maksimov Vadim

Maksimov Vadim

Dr.Sc., Professor, Head of the Department of Foreign Arts Studies

Professor, Head of the Foreign Art Chair

In 1981 graduated from RGISI. Vadim Maksimov has been teaching in RGISI since 1989. His classes are “Seminar on Theatre history”, “History of Foreign Theatre”, “Seminar on theatre methodology”, “Theatre systems”, “History of Western European theatre ideas”, “Analysis of drama structures and contemporary methods of learning theatre”.

Author of textbooks and methodical manuals.

Author of more than 80 eighty scientific articles.

In 2014 he was the head of the Federal research project “Stagings of Georg Kaiser’s plays on Soviet and German stage of 1920s”.

Main books:

Introduction to Antonin Artaud’s system. Saint-Petersburg, 1998

French symbolism: Dramaturgy and theatre. Saint-Petersburg, 2000

Century of Antonin Artaud. Saint-Petersburg, 2007

Theatre. Rococo. Symbolism. Modern. Postmodernism. Saint-Petersburg, 2013

Modernist concepts of theatre from symbolism to futurism. Tragic forms in theatre of XX century. Saint-Petersburg, 2014

From history of theatre theory and theatre science. Saint-Petersburg, 2014